Clinics We Offer


Antenatal Care

Although a large part of antenatal care is with the community midwives our doctors are still keen to look after you during your pregnancy.  Women can choose where they give birth. Low risk patients may deliver in the midwife unit at Crowborough Birthing Centre, part of Crowborough Hospital. Other cases are delivered at Pembury Hospital, Eastbourne or elsewhere.

The community midwives are all attached to Crowborough Birthing Centre and will care for you both in the hospital and at home.  

Family Planning/Teenage Sexual Health

Each doctor provides this service and will be happy to discuss individual needs. Anyone requiring a contraceptive implant (Nexplanon) or coil will be referred to Dr Mulder who specialises in this field usually on Wednesday afternoons.



Diabetic Clinic

Tuesday 14:00 - 18:00. There is a 20 minute appointment with our specialist nurses and then a review with our Lead Diabetes GP Dr Mulder.

Minor Operations

The practice offers a full range of minor surgical procedures provided by Dr Padgham.


Hosted Services

The practice host a number of services so that our patients can be seen on site removing the need for unnecessary travel to the surrounding hospitals. These include:

Scrivens NHS Hearing Services - Patients with hearing problems can be referred to the audioligist who provides the service every other Thursday

NHS Why Weight - This is a psychologically led service and provides counselling, dietitian & exercise for patients with a BMI 35 + who are looking for weight management and also those who meet criteria looking to go forward to tier 4 for Bariatric Surgery. Every Wednesday morning we run psycho-educational groups which the patients love.